Friday, October 13, 2006

State Trooper...

Okay ONLY I could be hit by a state trooper (not in his car, but in uniform on his way to work) at a RED traffic light. And to top it off I was driving my boyfriend's relatively NEW automobile so that he could rest for a while. That, in and of itself is a story for the recordbooks that needs further explaination but that isn't my blog today... my blog is about the fact that i had to pay THEM $5.00 to get an accident report that ...

-1- would not be ready for AT LEAST five days following the accident
-2- that they will not fax
-3- that they will not accept credit/bank cards or personal checks for... therefore meaning that one has to either return to the area where accident occured OR go out of one's way pay for a stamp, pay for a money order, and take time out of one's day to mail them the information to be mailed the accident report... HOW INEFFIECENT!

I will not elaborate to which state I was visiting, but I would like to know how common it is for those involved in an accident (especially victims) have to PAY to receive an accident report? If so... what state? I would appreciate it if you share your stories. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Mell said...

OMG! I can't believe that they made you pay. I would really complain loudly about this. Why don't you contact your congressman and tell him what happened?

Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806)

Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) Raised on a farm in Maryland, Benjamin Banneker wanted to learn everything he could about the world around hi...