Thursday, September 13, 2007

Facing Vulnerablity in Order to Reach Your Full Potential

"When a lobster grows to a weight of about one pound, he instinctively knows that the hard shell that has protected him now inhibits his growth. To continue to mature, the lobster must lose his old shell and grow a new one—a process that takes about two days. For two days, the lobster is totally vulnerable. With no crusty shell, he is easy prey in deep waters. Waves can slam him against a jagged reef. But he has no alternative. To mature, he must lose the old shell and grow a new one. "- The High Calling of Our Daily Work

Someone recently shared this story with me. I felt it came at a time that impacted me and others in my life. What I took from this story was that we can go through a lot in life that we have felt embodied or encompassed by, but it is all we have known. However, in order to grow we must make ourselves vulnerable (with no guarantee that this vulnerability will not hurt us). We must allow the time to elapse for us to grow a new shell. Realizing that we ourselves did not change, our experiences of the past are still the same, however we have allowed ourselves to emerge into something greater where we can reach our full potential. I hope this blog inspires someone today.

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Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806)

Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) Raised on a farm in Maryland, Benjamin Banneker wanted to learn everything he could about the world around hi...