Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Last Day of the Second Month of 2006

This twenty-eighth day of February marks yet the end of another month in the year two thousand and six. Completing 59 days in this blessed year at the strike of midnight tonight.

I think I like the idea of if I write no other blog for a month… at the close of each I will report the highlights of my month both positive and “antipositive” . We will see how this goes.

First…addressing the “antipositives”…
 I still have failed to volunteer at CCC 
 On last evening a friend’s grandmother passed away at the blessed age of 91

Now to the positives
 Traveled to Myrtle Beach South Carolina for business and was accompanied by my WONDERFUL Mama
 Celebrated my first Valentine’s day EVER in a relationship
 Helped one friend find over $4,000 in unclaimed property, and informed others about unclaimed funds that them and/or their family members may have out there (more on how YOU can find unclaimed property in an upcoming blog)… stay tuned…

These are not all the positives or “antipositives” in my life just a few I wished to share at this time.

306 more days of adventure and blessings in the year 2006. No one knows what the future holds but I pray that there are many positively wonderful blessings in it for all my loved ones and those who share in my message of encouragement, opportunity, and positivity.

I love hearing what you think about what I have to say ... so if you have a moment drop me response

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Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806)

Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) Raised on a farm in Maryland, Benjamin Banneker wanted to learn everything he could about the world around hi...