Sunday, July 27, 2008

Checkout & The 25th Gholston Picnic

Well, checkout was MONSTEROUS! This hotel was VERY understaffed especially for this weekend! I looked at my receipt briefly and then went on a mission to find my parents a cart (OH MY GOODNESS). Need I remind you again, three family reunions, a Christian conference (where all attending appeared to be dressed to the 9s meaning LOTS OF LUGGAGE), and White Sox/Tigers fans!. There MAY have been three people at the front desk if that… so between everyone asking me 10zillion times if I knew how to get to the picnic (after I told them as long as the place has an address and we have VZ Navigator all would be fine), figuring out the tricks of how to catch an empty elevator, and getting the car pulled around I didn’t look at my receipt again. We get to the picnic with no trouble, enjoy our time there (See pictures below), took Davida to the airport, and were on the road again.

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Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806)

Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) Raised on a farm in Maryland, Benjamin Banneker wanted to learn everything he could about the world around hi...